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Andy Clay

Chuck Miller


Bovine Respiratory Syndrome   Bovine respiratory syndrome (BRD) has increased dramatically since the 1970s - 1980s and is now endemic in intensive farming, especially in beef farming. The reason is mainly due to the delicate and relatively small lung volume of the bovine which in stress conditions (transport, early weaning, manipulations, environmental variations) and in a crowded environment, with pathogens in the air such as intensive farming is easily attackable due to a decrease in cellular immunity. How can we limit the damage and what are the factors that favor this pathology? Temperature and Humidity : A high ambient temperature ...

Initial look at Methane reduction technology for livestock

  Matt,   Did some preliminary looking on the methane reduction ideas (per Davin’s point about Mike Deering’s interests).   Looks like a lot of work on this across the globe, particularly Australia and UK.   You might want to check out these sites if you are interested:   Products for Reducing Methane Emissions future-feed.com - seaweed additive cites 80% reduction - more below https://mootral.com/ - Mootral Ruminant feed supplement showing 30% reduction https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2018.02094/full - journal article on Mootral.  https://www.wipo.int/ip-outreach/...