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A CASE FOR RURAL BROADBAND Insights on Rural Broadband Infrastructure and Next Generation Precision Agriculture Technologies

This analysis opens the next chapter in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) response to this Call to Action. It is intended to convey highlevel and broad concepts about the potential benefits of connected agriculture technologies to policymakers, industry leaders, and all who are affected by the lack of high-speed Internet service in rural areas that is inhibiting greater productivity and profitability for small producers, stifling American innovation, and undermining potential advancements in food security, food safety, and environmental sustainability.   For the purposes of this report, Next Generation Precision Agriculture can be considered an interdisciplinary science ...

A new approach to broadband connectivity - Good Video Overview of Airband

This page has more about Airband, but the video about one scroll down on the page provides a good overview of the Airband initiative and technology.  (no direct link availble)   The whitepapers and FAQs on this page are also helpful in describing TVWS and other technologies. 

Microsoft Airband: An annual update on connecting rural America

Updated 3/5/2020, this page discusses the project and its rollout.

Rural Broadband Access Loan and Loan Guarantee

The Rural Broadband Access Loan and Loan Guarantee Program (Broadband Program) furnishes loans and loan guarantees to provide funds for the costs of construction, improvement, or acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to provide service at the broadband lending speed in eligible rural areas.

Rural Broadband Connectivity

Farmers and others in rural areas have limited access to broadband internet services. Without this access rural residents and businesses find it difficult to compete with those who have broadband access. Further, the lack of access leads to a drain of human resources from rural areas. Farmers need broadband services to use many of the advanced monitoring and management tools on the market today. As a business, they need access to compete with better served customers. 

Rural Development Broadband ReConnect Program

Broadband ReConnect Program furnishes loans and grants to provide funds for the costs of construction, improvement, or acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to provide broadband service in eligible rural areas. The application window for the first round of funding is closed, and applications are currently under review. Follow one of the links below to learn more about the program.

USDA RD Telcom Programs

Announcement : For information about the broadband pilot program (ReConnect Program) authorized in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 please log into :  https://reconnect.usda.gov USDA is investing in Rural Broadband to rebuild America’s infrastructure. Read more. Access to broadband has become essential for the social and economic benefits it provides to American residents, businesses, governments and communities. Broadband is crucial for increased health, educational and economic opportunities, as well as for job and business creation and growth. Broadband can help close the digital divide between rural and urban communities. USDA Rural Development&...

Watch Communications and Microsoft announce partnership to bring broadband internet to Indiana, Ohio and Illinois

Deployment of technologies, including TV white spaces, is expected to cover more than four million people in the region, including 815,000 people in rural areas currently without access to broadband REDMOND, Wash. — July 9, 2019 — On Tuesday, Watch Communications and Microsoft Corp. announced an agreement aimed at closing the broadband gap, and the rural digital divide in particular, in the states of Indiana, Ohio and Illinois. The partnership is part of the Microsoft Airband Initiative, which is focused on extending broadband access to three million people in rural America by July 2022. The FCC reports that more ...

Wisper Internet

A Microsoft Airband partner based just se of St. Louis, MO in Mascoutah, IL. Second largest winner of CAFII funds (Connect America Fund, from FCC)   Wisper Internet Headquartered in Southern Illinois, Wisper ISP, Inc. provides high-speed internet in Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma. In addition, Arkansas and Indiana will soon be in their coverage area. They are the second-largest winner in the FCC’s rural broadband auction, also known as The Connect America Fund Phase II. As a result, Wisper will use $220.3 million to expand internet service. A rising competitor in the ...