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Andy Clay

Automate Cloud Upload

have all sensor data go directly to the cloud vs a downloaded file that needs to be uploaded this does happen with some systems, but perhaps a tools is needed to fit with other sensor types and could universally fit with any sensor and upload data to the cloud automatically eliminating need for farmers to process the data files. 

Automated In-field Insect Monitoring

Enable remote monitoring of insects in crops or seed fields.  ID specific pests and population counts. 

Automated Soil Moisture Monitoring for Irrigation Systems

Inexpensive remote monitoring sensors for soil moisture levels that link to automatic pivot irrigation control systems. Current systems are too expensive to place one or more in each irrigated field. 

Blake Hurst

BRD (Bovine Respiratory Disease) Detection System

Rapid detection system to determine cattle with BRD (Bovine Respiratory Disease). 

Chuck Miller

Cover Crop Planning

Detecting Herbicide Resistance

to use weed leaf tissue or weed residue to determine if the weed is resistant to a particular chemistry   Could help map and measure weed resistance in fields

Disease Sensor - Soybeans

have an optical sensor that could look at beans as you harvest and determine the disease that causes them to staygreen and not drop leaves 

Grain Storage Sensors

The ask was for a throw-away sensor that could be added to the grain as it is placed in storage. Basically wanted a cheap, reliable grain storage montitoring system.

Hay Moisture Sensor - for Pre-Baling use

Nutrient Loss Reduction

The Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy calls for innovative ways to limit the loss of nutrients, particularly phosphorus and nitrogen, to the environment.    Illinois Corn Growers, Illinois NREC, and others have committed resources to finding suitable products and services to meet this need. 

On the go pH sensor

Need to be able to do annual applications of lime. Need quick method sensor. "something other than the Veris sensor"    Need to find out more about why Veris sensor is not working. 

On-the-go Soil Moisture Sensor

have a sensor on tillage equipment to indicate if too wet conditions for certain soil types

Robotic See 'n Spray

Rock Detection for Soybean Cutter Bar

would like a device to be able to detect rocks ahead of the cutter bar while harvesting soybean (could also be useful for wheat and other small grains). Alert operator and or raise bar automatically to avoid snagging the rock.    Prevent down time and repairs needed for equipment due to rocks

Rural Broadband Connectivity

Farmers and others in rural areas have limited access to broadband internet services. Without this access rural residents and businesses find it difficult to compete with those who have broadband access. Further, the lack of access leads to a drain of human resources from rural areas. Farmers need broadband services to use many of the advanced monitoring and management tools on the market today. As a business, they need access to compete with better served customers. 

Soil Fertility Sensor

have a sensor on a combine to determine fertility of soil during harvest to better time fertilizer applications Could be an existing sensor could work, but would it as a combine unit? Too much residue, too much static from harvesting operations. 

Supervisor Systems

Pocket-sized NIR Scanner that connects wirelessly to the SCiO App on your smart device. Get accurate dry matter results in under a minute. Scan history and results are available within the app and are easily sharable through email and messaging. With a Basic Forage subscription, you can test: - Corn Silage - Legume Silage - Grass Silage - Dry Hay - Small Grain Silage - Fresh Corn Silage - Fresh Legume Silage - Fresh Grass - Fresh Small Grain Silage - Mixed Forage Silage - Barley Silage - TMR. With additional subscription, you can add the Corn on ...

Vomitoxin Field Test

Need for a field test for vomitoxin in wheat.  Farmer harvests wheat and hauls to elevator. Elevator can test for vomitoxin. If above a threshold, load is rejected. Farmer loses money in time and transport costs. If had a quick, reliable field test could blend loads or otherwise know that load will be accepted at the elevator.