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Broadband Now

INTERNET ACCESS IN HILLSBORO, ILLINOIS The average download speed in Hillsboro is 44.23 Mbps. This is 40.3% slower than the average in Illinois and 40.2% slower than the national average. There are 11 internet providers in Hillsboro with 8 of those offering residential service. Hillsboro is the 319th most connected city in Illinois ahead of Benld, Gillespie, and Mount Olive, but behind Nokomis and Litchfield. 43% of Hillsboro residents are still severely limited in wired broadband choices. Almost 95% of consumers in Illinois have access to a wired connection with true broadband speeds faster than 25mbps. Illinois ...

Heather Hampton Knodle

Montgomery County Online Map

GIS maps for Montgomery County Illinois No data access just viewable.