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Results4 articles found.

A new approach to broadband connectivity - Good Video Overview of Airband

This page has more about Airband, but the video about one scroll down on the page provides a good overview of the Airband initiative and technology.  (no direct link availble)   The whitepapers and FAQs on this page are also helpful in describing TVWS and other technologies. 

Microsoft Airband: An annual update on connecting rural America

Updated 3/5/2020, this page discusses the project and its rollout.

TV White Spaces : FAQ and Engineering Best Practices

This technical document from Microsoft's Airband Initiative. This is intended for people who will setup the equipment and create the network. It also provides some background on business questions, but mostly focuses on the technology nuts and bolts. 

Wisper Internet

A Microsoft Airband partner based just se of St. Louis, MO in Mascoutah, IL. Second largest winner of CAFII funds (Connect America Fund, from FCC)   Wisper Internet Headquartered in Southern Illinois, Wisper ISP, Inc. provides high-speed internet in Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma. In addition, Arkansas and Indiana will soon be in their coverage area. They are the second-largest winner in the FCC’s rural broadband auction, also known as The Connect America Fund Phase II. As a result, Wisper will use $220.3 million to expand internet service. A rising competitor in the ...