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Augmenta Field Analyzer

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZAKWDjkQ38&feature=youtu.be   6-1-20 .(CC w/ Jim & Kyle). .. they are approaching it not as a trial but as an early sale of the product/service, so the cost would be significant.  They will send details in writing, but on 500 acres, they are proposing $10K for the equipment and $2/A, plus $1,000 for installation.  The $2/a would cover multiple passes on the same acre, if desired.  Higher acre committments would lower the upfront cost of the equipment & installation, but the per acre fee would stay the same.&...

Clarkson Grain Company

Lynn Clarkson   2020-2021 working with CoverCress on seed propogation plan.    Clarkson Grain Company, Inc. is an Illinois-based grain, oilseed, and ingredient supplier to the food manufacturing and animal feed industries. We specialize in the growing, storage, and processing of Identity-Preserved, Non-GMO, and organic corn, soybeans, and soy ingredients. We procure our specialty corn and soybean raw materials from our grower-partners throughout the United States.   As licensed grain dealers and warehousemen, we offer several unique and exclusive corn hybrids including our Indigo Blue corn and a full selection of white corn and yellow corn. We also offer ...

Jake Perino

Lynn Clarkson

Clarkson Grain


Unique Seed Treatment. SaliCrop utilizes a unique wet chemistry process that stimulates an Epi-Genetic reaction to salinity conditions at seed stages.  Non GM, anti A Biotic Stress (ABS) seeds treatments to grow well in high salinity soils or when irrigated with brackish water.   Looks like it would be a good tool for high fertigation areas where salinity has built up to a point of diminishing crop growth.  Looks interesting and white papers were helpful. 

SaliCrop Whitepaper: Kissufim Israel Silage Wheat Field Trials 2019-2020

During winter of 2019 and spring of 2020, Salicrop conducted silage wheat field trials with wheat seeds variety “Ariel” by HaZera seeds. The trial conducted with Kibbutz Urim grower in the Northern Negev (Kissufim) in Israel. The field trial was rain fed in a semi desert environment conditions (annual precipitation 215mm): dry, hot/cold environment.


First Pass Software uses current field and machinery data to optimize the in-field operations that ensure the most efficient travel path for all machines in a field. These optimized operational plans are then delivered through pre-set, optimized guidance lines into the GPS systems of present day farming machinery. Launch Pad is an interactive web-based geospatial application developed to help growers optimize the movement of their machinery. Once a user signs up, they’ll have the ability to tweak critical field and equipment specific parameters to create a route plan, based on proprietary First Pass optimization algorithms, that minimizes ...