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Results5 articles found.

Blake Gerard

Fabiane Kuhn

Raks Tecnologia Agricola

Jacob / Kimberly Jones

Raks Agriculture Technology

Know in real-time WHEN and HOW MUCH to irrigate. Integrate data from soil, crop, weather and irrigation system, and have the management of your irrigation in your hands.   Solar boards Board that captures solar energy and feeds the entire system, avoiding the need for cables in the field and expenses with electricity. This plate allows the entire system to be fixed and still have clean and renewable energy.   Meter Electronic circuit developed internally to interpret soil moisture information and carry out data transmission via wireless connection, without internet and without cables in the middle of the field.   ...


Unique Seed Treatment. SaliCrop utilizes a unique wet chemistry process that stimulates an Epi-Genetic reaction to salinity conditions at seed stages.  Non GM, anti A Biotic Stress (ABS) seeds treatments to grow well in high salinity soils or when irrigated with brackish water.   Looks like it would be a good tool for high fertigation areas where salinity has built up to a point of diminishing crop growth.  Looks interesting and white papers were helpful.