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About a quarter of rural Americans say access to high-speed internet is a major problem

September, 2018   Fast, reliable internet service has become essential for everything from getting news to finding a job. But 24% of rural adults say access to high-speed internet is a major problem in their local community, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted earlier this year. An additional 34% of rural residents see this as a minor problem, meaning that roughly six-in-ten rural Americans (58%) believe access to high speed internet is a problem in their area.  

Ambra Milani


Broadband Use Fact Sheet from Pew Research

The internet represents a fundamental shift in how Americans connect with one another, gather information and conduct their day-to-day lives. For more than 15 years, Pew Research Center has documented its growth and distribution in the United States. Explore the patterns of internet and home broadband adoption below.


Bovine Respiratory Syndrome   Bovine respiratory syndrome (BRD) has increased dramatically since the 1970s - 1980s and is now endemic in intensive farming, especially in beef farming. The reason is mainly due to the delicate and relatively small lung volume of the bovine which in stress conditions (transport, early weaning, manipulations, environmental variations) and in a crowded environment, with pathogens in the air such as intensive farming is easily attackable due to a decrease in cellular immunity. How can we limit the damage and what are the factors that favor this pathology? Temperature and Humidity : A high ambient temperature ...

Digital gap between rural and nonrural America persists

May 31, 2019   Rural Americans have made large gains in adopting digital technology over the past decade, but they generally remain less likely than urban or suburban adults to have home broadband or own a smartphone.   Roughly two-thirds of rural Americans (63%) say they have a broadband internet connection at home, up from about a third (35%) in 2007, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in early 2019. Rural Americans are now 12 percentage points less likely than Americans overall to have home broadband; in 2007, there was a 16-point gap between rural Americans (35%) and all U.S. adults (51%) on this question.   As ...

FCC Fixed Broadband Deployment Map

Fixed Broadband Deployment This application provides a visualization of the residential fixed broadband deployment data collected on FCC Form 477. Facilities-based providers of broadband service report Form 477 data in June and December each year. For more information about Form 477, to download the data, or to see reports generated from the dataset, please refer to the links at right.   Providers report fixed-broadband deployment data at the census block level. Form 477 data are reported using 2010 Census blocks. Providers may not offer service to every home in every block in which they report service. The calculations used to create the graphs treat every ...

How far Americans live from the closest hospital differs by community type

December 12, 2018   Rural Americans are more likely than people in urban and suburban areas to say access to good doctors and hospitals is a major problem in their community. Nearly a quarter (23%) of Americans in rural areas say this, compared with 18% of urbanites and 9% of suburbanites, according to a Pew Research Center survey   research on travel times, a bit old, but travel times may not change too much unless of hospital closures

Mobile Technology and Home Broadband 2019

37% of Americans now go online mostly using a smartphone, and these devices are increasingly cited as a reason for not having a high-speed internet connection at home


TeleSense is leading the post-harvest data revolution. With our suite of advanced grain sensors, it is our mission to make grain storage profitable again by providing grain operators with actionable alerts about their stored grain, sent right to their smartphone or laptop through the TeleSense cloud-based app.   Company Info: https://www.telesense.com/sensor-balls Claim: “Leading the Agricultural Data Revolution” Home Office:  Sunnyvale, California, USA Phone: (833) 472-4600  Related Product Info.: the sensor balls seem to be close to what you were saying about tossing a sensor in with the grain as you load ...