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Results13 articles found.

Amber Ag

Company Info: https://www.amber.ag Claim: “Powered by a pellet - INTRODUCING THE WORLD'S FIRST KERNEL-LIKE GRAIN SENSOR” Home Office:  Chicago, Illinois Phone:  401-307-3737 (Lucas Frye) Related Product Info.: These guys have promoted a throw-in sensor but continue to not market the technology. Would see if they are running pilots on these if you like. wireless sensors transmits back to app idea is to track grain through supply chain “Amber Agriculture technology is rolled out in batches over time.”

Broadband Mapping Initiative Report

Pilot project in better mapping of rural broadband access and need. Pilot in Missouri and Virginia. Report shared by Tim Arbeiter 9/25/2019. 

Charlie Ellis

MU Extension in Lincoln County

Clarkson Grain Company

Lynn Clarkson   2020-2021 working with CoverCress on seed propogation plan.    Clarkson Grain Company, Inc. is an Illinois-based grain, oilseed, and ingredient supplier to the food manufacturing and animal feed industries. We specialize in the growing, storage, and processing of Identity-Preserved, Non-GMO, and organic corn, soybeans, and soy ingredients. We procure our specialty corn and soybean raw materials from our grower-partners throughout the United States.   As licensed grain dealers and warehousemen, we offer several unique and exclusive corn hybrids including our Indigo Blue corn and a full selection of white corn and yellow corn. We also offer ...

Garrett Hawkins

Missouri Farm Bureau

Izzy Abbass

Trilogy Networks, Inc.

Jenny Partouche

Quebec Government Office in Chicago

Robert Lubben

Rabo AgriFinance

Roberto Werneck

Tanzer Bilgen


Uri Attir


Vince Libertore

Microsoft Airband Initiative

Wes Seifert