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Results395 articles found. |
Heartland Farm EnergyAbout 80% of fuel is used to heat cold fresh air in poultry growing. Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) works by reclaiming heat from dirty ammonia filled air to preheat incoming fresh air. This preheated air requires less fuel to reach required barn temperature. Preheated fresh air is distributed throughout the barn with top to ground mixing. Warm air with uniformed distribution helps to maintain a comfortable environment and reduces the chance of respiratory problems. Higher production and lower mortality can be expected as a result of a more comfortable environment. With using WHR there is no need to adjust barn ... |
Jennifer GoldstonAgTech PR |
Microsoft, Others Combine to Push Rural Broadband SolutionsMicrosoft, which has been pushing the use of TV white spaces to close the rural broadband divide, has joined with C Spire, Airspan Networks, Nokia and Siklu to form a coalition of the willing to come up with a "disruptive blueprint to close the adoption gap." The consortium will use Mississippi and Alabama as testbeds for driving affordable internet access and drive adoption. The consortium is launching under something of a cone of silence. C Spire said that the rural broadband effort will launch with a workshop in New Orleans Jan. 29-31 that will be closed to ... |
2019 Strategic Action Plans for Kansas Agricultural GrowthIn Kansas, there are 46,137,295 acres of farmland, which accounts for 88 percent of all Kansas land. More than 21 million acres in Kansas are harvested for crops and over 16 million acres serve as pastureland for grazing animals. In addition to growing crops and raising livestock, the Kansas agricultural sector includes renewable energy production, food processing, research and education, agribusiness, technology, entrepreneurship, and many value-added enterprises. Between Columbia, Missouri, and Manhattan, Kansas, sits the single largest concentration of animal health interests in the world. Kansas farmers and ranchers make a global impact, exporting over $3.6 billion in agricultural products. The leading Kansas agricultural exports ... |
3Bar BiologicsACTIVATING THE POWER OF MICROBES 3Bar Biologics greatly improves the health and yield of agricultural crops with simple-to-use, on-site fermentation technology, called LiveMicrobe™, that delivers to farmers at the time of application the most highly viable and abundant beneficial microbes. OUR STORY 3Bar Biologics, formed in 2014 as a spin out of The Ohio State University, is dedicated to improving farm yield, profitability, and sustainability using beneficial microbial products. We seek to realize the potential of biological products to provide growers with new modes of action to fight resistance, increase nutrient uptake to reduce fertilizer run-off, and ... |
A Case for Rural BroadbandIn January 2018, the Report to the President of the United States from the Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity summarized initial findings on how to promote agriculture, economic development, job growth, infrastructure improvements, technological innovation, energy security, and quality of life in rural America. The Report identified Achieving e-Connectivity in Rural America as a central pillar to do so. President Donald Trump led the way by creating the American Broadband Initiative, which reflects the work of his Cabinet to support the private sector’s expansion of rural broadband and effectively steward Federal tax dollars in that partnership. This ... |
A CASE FOR RURAL BROADBAND Insights on Rural Broadband Infrastructure and Next Generation Precision Agriculture TechnologiesThis analysis opens the next chapter in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) response to this Call to Action. It is intended to convey highlevel and broad concepts about the potential benefits of connected agriculture technologies to policymakers, industry leaders, and all who are affected by the lack of high-speed Internet service in rural areas that is inhibiting greater productivity and profitability for small producers, stifling American innovation, and undermining potential advancements in food security, food safety, and environmental sustainability. For the purposes of this report, Next Generation Precision Agriculture can be considered an interdisciplinary science ... |
A CASE FOR RURAL BROADBAND Insights on Rural Broadband Infrastructure and Next Generation Precision Agriculture TechnologiesThis analysis opens the next chapter in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) response to this Call to Action. It is intended to convey highlevel and broad concepts about the potential benefits of connected agriculture technologies to policymakers, industry leaders, and all who are affected by the lack of high-speed Internet service in rural areas that is inhibiting greater productivity and profitability for small producers, stifling American innovation, and undermining potential advancements in food security, food safety, and environmental sustainability. For the purposes of this report, Next Generation Precision Agriculture can be considered an interdisciplinary science ... |
A new approach to broadband connectivity - Good Video Overview of AirbandThis page has more about Airband, but the video about one scroll down on the page provides a good overview of the Airband initiative and technology. (no direct link availble) The whitepapers and FAQs on this page are also helpful in describing TVWS and other technologies. |
AapresidMartin Rainaudo, Aapresid, rainaudo@aapresid.org.ar 5% of farmers in ARG using tech farmers adopt technology that works quickly (like US) AAPRESID db of startups Increase use of accuracy in inputs could help AgTech 2nd time with AAPRESID – AgTech meetings included in program Share wih STL who is doing well Farmers test products Aapresid tested – stamp Aapresid organizes talks and speakers based on what members want Martin Is manager of AgTech Share with us the problems ARG problems have Testing network – invitations and ads Have protocole for testing products UX test Report results to startup Account ... |
Aaron Porter |
About a quarter of rural Americans say access to high-speed internet is a major problemSeptember, 2018 Fast, reliable internet service has become essential for everything from getting news to finding a job. But 24% of rural adults say access to high-speed internet is a major problem in their local community, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted earlier this year. An additional 34% of rural residents see this as a minor problem, meaning that roughly six-in-ten rural Americans (58%) believe access to high speed internet is a problem in their area. |
ACE Air - Pilot Preview |
ACRONEXReminds me of the OK to Spray movement from ASABE. Have sensors and metrics to determine if conditions are good, and will be good, for spraying. Like that data flows back to office, and to driver. May have room for them in our regulated world. Real time monitoring of machine Unimap Lots of sensors Weather station Flow meters Model to say if conditions are good for quality spray Can determine if there are issues with clogging/ clogged nozzles Transmit to cloud can watch real time and see records of application Sends alerts when conditions not right Not just measuring – ... |
Adam Yoder |
Aerovirus20210222 notes Jenny Partouche, with the Quebec delegation in Chicago, set up a call with the Bovine Respiratory Disease detection company they had mentioned during our initial call. The company is Aerovirus Technologies. I was hoping to learn more about their tech and see if it could apply to EAGIC, but what they seem to have has broader implications and I wanted to share the followup materials they sent with you and see if there is a fit on the human healthcare side of things. Basically, they can detect certain pathogens in the air. As listed in ... |
Ag Innovation ShowcaseAg Innovation Showcase (AIS) provides an intimate venue for industry leaders, investors, and entrepreneurs to form relationships and engage in substantive discussions that will enable innovative solutions coming to market for consumer, social, commercial, and environmental benefit. We invite speakers, sponsors, early-stage companies, and other stakeholders in food and agriculture innovation to network with each other to address today’s questions and develop tomorrow’s solutions for feeding the planet. The common theme across the 10-year span of AIS has been to explore global and national issues related to soil health, food production, food sustainability, food waste ... |
Ag Innovation Showcase NotesSeptember 8-11, 2019 Minneapolis, MN ADD RESOURCE | ADD CONTACT Companies/People I hope to meet with: Reacquaint ILSOY - Steve Pitstick Farmers Edge - Wade Barnes The Mosaic Company - Kyle Freeman Priority to meet - potential tech - A Intrinsyx Bio - N and P microbial - Ahsan Ali, CEO & John Freeman, CSO Continuum Ag - soil health metrics - Kyle Andersen, COO Plastomics - Sharon Berberich - STL-based chloroplast genetic engineering platform Ostara - Molly Biedenfeld - Phosphorus recovery AGERpoint - LiDAR for tree crops - interesting tech, would like to ... |
AG RETAILER CREATES TECH PLATFORM TAILORED TO GROWERSJohn Blackwell wants a progressive, future-focused ag retailer who can make it easier to understand new products and services that may benefit his family’s Larned, Kansas, operation. |
Ag West Bio |
AGERpointAGERpoint® captures precise agriculture data using LiDAR and other collaborative techniques to deliver precise analytics and actionable insights. would like to learn more about this one...appears to be for tree crops |
AgIdeaGreat visit to AgIdea HQ in Argentina. This is a big research organization with very sophisticated lab capabilities in-house. We talked about AgIdea and its structure and history and got a tour of the offices and new laboratory space. Very interested in their Marshall, MO operations and encouraged from the discussion that they would be a good partner for the EAGIC project. With the one caveat that they do not appear to have spent much time evaluating technology. They use it. But have not set up trials to test it. However, the brain-power and experience are present to make ... |
AgreeMarketHard to tell any competitive advantage to this trader system from the short demo. Seems very early in development and market use. Nicolas merewolf 2 years ago – democratize food access to smart devices commercialization (farmer, exporter) 350 companies 750 users right now buy & sell, source export adding financial services chat with seller and buyer notification of changes in contract access to contracts and history and chat – all block chain integrated see all orders supermarket of South American food production not quality yet – but eventually pay market outside program anote is one competitor more competition in other countries revenue model ... |
Agri-EPI CentreThe Agricultural Engineering Precision Innovation Centre (Agri-EPI Centre) is one of four Agri-Tech centres established by the UK government. Agri-EPI Centre focuses on the delivery of research, development, demonstration and training on precision agriculture and engineering for the livestock, arable, horticulture and aquaculture sectors. Objectives We aim to join organisations in all sections of the supply chain and become a world-leading centre for excellence in engineering and precision agriculture for the livestock, arable, aquaculture and horticulture sectors. The Centre has three main objectives: To operate a wide range of industry-led activities in applied research and development, demonstration, ... |
Agri-TechE visit 3/2020Agri-Tech East is the UK's leading membership organisation for agri-tech, bringing together farmers researchers and tech developers to accelerate innovation. |
AgriDry (GSI / AGCO) |
AgriRedB2B trading system seem well establsithed $7M in trades last season. Focus on Argentian, see much like a sound business model Luke mentiond BGV is looking for trading solutions |
AGROPROAppears to be a solution for tracking work orders for crop applications. Did not see anything that I felt set them apart. Identify needs of producers Certified processes (ISO) Digitize processes 20 people load work orders technicians and advisors work with all fields manage different companies producers, operator, client Customer reports, state of crops, ask questions about issues with crops Good practices: each work order, recommendation Report modules Traceability – customer reports Free modules – 400 users, 1000 users next year Value proposition Work orders part – specify dosage, cost, for treatment Report of traceability of work Being done on crop KPI of ... |
AgroSpheresAgroSpheres is transforming crop protection with its revolutionary pesticide delivery platform, the AgriCell. The AgriCell is a transformative pesticide delivery technology. Compared to existing formulations, the AgriCell provides better protection of active ingredients, more finely tuned controlled release, and superior pest targeting. Load Encapsulates synthetic or biological actives. Shield Protects actives from harsh environmental conditions. Control Release Enables sustained release of actives. Target Sticks to plant leaves or insects, ensuring the pesticide reaches its target while mitigating off-target exposure. |
AgrynexWe deliver biodegradable sustainable biocidal enzymes to protect your crops Our technology is a one-stop solution for fungi, bacteria and nematode pests. If your seeds are infected, our ZymPureTM technology diffuses free radicals in and around them to kill microbes. To further protect your seeds against future infections, our ZymGuardTM technology creates a protective layer of enzymes around your seed supply that fights off pests. By both eliminating and preventing pest threats, our enzymes kill pathogens where and when it matters. |
Agustín RochaSIMA |
Agustin PaganiClarion |
Ailin BorracciNANOTICA |
Alex Clark |
Alex DumasAeroVirus Technologies Inc. |
Alexandre ChequimDigiFarmz |
Alison TupiriWisper Internet |
Allen Below |
ALTINADry product applicator. Looks like a RowGator. I did not see anything new with this machine. Solid product: fertilizer seed Can handle conditions and different products Calibrate: must be clean Pressurized pneumatic closure Nozzels keep quality Develop market quickly Social benefits of precision ag Seeding of all types of crops Drill |
Alvaro SassanoScanterra |
Amber AgCompany Info: https://www.amber.ag Claim: “Powered by a pellet - INTRODUCING THE WORLD'S FIRST KERNEL-LIKE GRAIN SENSOR” Home Office: Chicago, Illinois Phone: 401-307-3737 (Lucas Frye) Related Product Info.: These guys have promoted a throw-in sensor but continue to not market the technology. Would see if they are running pilots on these if you like. wireless sensors transmits back to app idea is to track grain through supply chain “Amber Agriculture technology is rolled out in batches over time.” |
Ambra MilaniCynomys |
American Robotics - Scout |
American Robotics Website |
Amilcar GiniesEiwa |
Ana Galiano |
Andy Clay |
AnoteAnother trading app/platform. Not too impressed, but seemed to have at least considered the business model…not just the technology. Herman (helped others with their pitch) Trade in grains has not changed too much – by phone – not efficient Market place connects farmers with buyers, exporters, oil producers, add photos, quality info, etc. Move to US When sale is complete all negotiation remain saved what was discussed Registration is free If close business 0.05% of amount of business – is revenue to anote Get brokers out of the way |
AquaSpyDedicated to supporting crop farmers globally, AquaSpy connects the grower with the crop plant, providing actionable information leading to better yields, proactive water conservation and informed soil management, all core components of regenerative agriculture. The AgSpy IoT agriculture platform listens to plants and interprets their needs as they grow. The solar-powered, multi-sensor probe and cellular control tower installation occurs once at the start of a growing season. The system is pre-calibrated and auto-connects to the AgSpy platform for remote monitoring, meaning that there is little interaction with the system in the field until end of season removal. With a sensor ... |
Argentina AgTech Database of Companies at 2019 Semena AgTech WeekThis spreadsheet consists of companies suggested from Semena AgTech and Rosario Bolsa Teams. I reviewed the company web site (if any) and updated URL information when applicable and wrote a quick note about what I found. I also rated each company with a priority for meeting with them. |
Argentinian agtech startup plots expansion into St. LouisArgentinian agtech startup plots expansion into St. Louis By Nathan Rubbelke – Reporter, St. Louis Business Journal Jun 27, 2019, 1:22pm CDT An Argentinian agtech startup has plans to open a lab in St. Louis, making it the latest company from the South American country to be recruited to the region. Bioheuris will mark its first international location with the firm's expansion into St. Louis. The startup is based in Rosario, Argentina, a sister city of St. Louis. Bioheuris, which develops herbicide-resistant technologies in crops, plans to begin operations in St. Louis later this year. “I think St. Louis is ... |
ARPACBrazilian drone company brought forward by Roberto Wernek. Arpac - drone application - What I like about this one is their tech and connections with Taranis and the New York competition. There are a few drone applicators popping up in the U.S., but seems to be still pretty early. I have feelers out to some other drone scouting companies (I don’t want to upset Taranis, but would like to gather more feedback on potential opportunities for partnerships.) I have not heard back yet, but I will ping all my contacts again next week. |
Augmenta Field Analyzerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZAKWDjkQ38&feature=youtu.be 6-1-20 .(CC w/ Jim & Kyle). .. they are approaching it not as a trial but as an early sale of the product/service, so the cost would be significant. They will send details in writing, but on 500 acres, they are proposing $10K for the equipment and $2/A, plus $1,000 for installation. The $2/a would cover multiple passes on the same acre, if desired. Higher acre committments would lower the upfront cost of the equipment & installation, but the per acre fee would stay the same.&... |
AURAVANTField management software that seems to specialize in creating production zones for fields. Does seem to have good zone building software (by description) but not sure what else they have to offer. Users are agronomists Satellite imagery & yield & up to 7 layers to create zones Agronomist can combine layers they select into zones for the field Can adjust how much of each layer in plan Machine learning : can help put together models Up to 7 zones in a field 20 people in company 8500 users, 3.7 million hectares Working on mobile app Note anomaly Do not need field connectivity |
Automate Cloud Uploadhave all sensor data go directly to the cloud vs a downloaded file that needs to be uploaded this does happen with some systems, but perhaps a tools is needed to fit with other sensor types and could universally fit with any sensor and upload data to the cloud automatically eliminating need for farmers to process the data files. |
Automated In-field Insect MonitoringEnable remote monitoring of insects in crops or seed fields. ID specific pests and population counts. |
Automated Soil Moisture Monitoring for Irrigation SystemsInexpensive remote monitoring sensors for soil moisture levels that link to automatic pivot irrigation control systems. Current systems are too expensive to place one or more in each irrigated field. |
Barbara Villena |
BEEFLOWThis was an interested concept to me (but Aaron of our group, a Californian, basically told them not to come to the U.S., too much competition). Given the bee-sensitive initiatives from the major chemical companies, I would think there would be some interest in this group. Maybe need to know more about pollination needs in Midwest and see if here (vs. CA) would be a good spot to start up a pollination service in US. Professional pollination services Smart Bees – work longer, place hives, feed them to go for specific crops Will build own apiaries in U.S. ... |
Bernardo MilesyGlocal Managers |
Billy WilliamsCTI |
Blake Gerard |
Blake Hurst |
Block AppsBlockApps is the leading provider and innovator of technology for programmable business networks through our platform, BlockApps STRATO. The BlockApps ecosystem includes software startups, IT and professional services’ firms, industry owned businesses and Fortune 500 corporates. Founded in 2015, BlockApps has created several industry innovations including the launch of Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) with Microsoft, founding the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (the world’s largest open standard blockchain organization) and being the first blockchain company to partner with all major cloud platforms (Azure, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform). |
Blue River TechnologyBuilding smart farm machines to manage crops at a plant-level Today, the best practice is to treat all plants as if they have the same needs. See & Spray changes this paradigm, empowering growers to make every individual plant count at scale. Using computer vision and artificial intelligence, Blue River Tech.'s smart machines can detect, identify, and make management decisions about every single plant in the field. |
Brad Young |
Brandon DayThe Yield Lab Institute |
BRD (Bovine Respiratory Disease) Detection SystemRapid detection system to determine cattle with BRD (Bovine Respiratory Disease). |
Brewer ScienceBrewer Science is utilizing its electronics expertise to help speed up your next-generation technology innovation. We have the ability to be a full-service electronics design provider for all of your electronics needs. Offering everything from traditional printed circuit boards (PCB) design to flexible-hybrid electronics (FHEs) and all the firmware development in between, Brewer Science has you covered.. |
Brian Marshall |
BRIDGING THE DIGITAL DIVIDE IN MOUNTAINOUS RURAL MARYLANDSuccess story case study on Garrett County Maryland |
Broadband Data Validation and Demand Aggregation in IndianaThe Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) announced in September 2018 the five communities that were being awarded a pilot broadband planning grant to “help gain an understanding of their current broadband conditions and needs, create a long-term broadband plan in their community, and identify options for achieving that vision.” The Purdue Center for Regional Development (PCRD) was tapped to provide technical assistance to these five communities. While a detailed description of the technical assistance activities provided by PCRD is beyond the scope of this paper, one critical type of support provided was collecting and analyzing ... |
Broadband Mapping Initiative ReportPilot project in better mapping of rural broadband access and need. Pilot in Missouri and Virginia. Report shared by Tim Arbeiter 9/25/2019. |
Broadband NowINTERNET ACCESS IN HILLSBORO, ILLINOIS The average download speed in Hillsboro is 44.23 Mbps. This is 40.3% slower than the average in Illinois and 40.2% slower than the national average. There are 11 internet providers in Hillsboro with 8 of those offering residential service. Hillsboro is the 319th most connected city in Illinois ahead of Benld, Gillespie, and Mount Olive, but behind Nokomis and Litchfield. 43% of Hillsboro residents are still severely limited in wired broadband choices. Almost 95% of consumers in Illinois have access to a wired connection with true broadband speeds faster than 25mbps. Illinois ... |
Broadband Now - Wisper ISPWisper ISP offers internet access in Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma. Fixed wireless internet from Wisper ISP is available to an estimated 2.4 million people, making it the 20th largest residential fixed wireless provider in the U.S. by coverage area. In addition to fixed wireless broadband, Wisper ISP also offers DSL and fiber internet service. Its DSL service is available to approximately 10,000 people Its fiber service is available to businesses in 2 zip codes. |
Broadband Use Fact Sheet from Pew ResearchThe internet represents a fundamental shift in how Americans connect with one another, gather information and conduct their day-to-day lives. For more than 15 years, Pew Research Center has documented its growth and distribution in the United States. Explore the patterns of internet and home broadband adoption below. |
Call notes from 9/25/2019: Tim Arbeiter9/25/19 Call with Tim and Luke Tim discussed his role. 3 things: get broadband grant up and running ($5M sunsets at end of 2021) 2 grant rounds at most. guiding document for broadband plan. - need to get regional plan, - support regional planning, - broadband piece as a part of existing strategy USDE Phase I Ag Precision Reach Study. - equipment, Phase II roll it out> - savings and efficiencies because of broadband activities, - spectrum of broadband connectivity vs. pencil and paper, Extension to see that thru (IND too - reference Industry study how to do comparable.) Quantification ... |
Can better broadband and big data save rural America?Article on rural broadband (dated 10/19/2019) |
CentaurLeveraging global post-harvest expertise and military-grade technology into agriculture, Centaur’s grain monitoring system watches over the entire grain mass for any quality problems - including in the center of the bin and all areas prone to hotspots. Remotely monitor grain storage assets Minimize risk of premium losses due to quality More efficient use of time Reduced electricity costs for aeration Achieve premium pricing with identity preservation Peace of mind |
CERES DEMETERI starred this presentation. Seems like they have a sound business plan for bringing biologicals to market. Could be a company poised for growth in this arena. Micros – checking them out and see what might work Help lab produce results then take to the field |
Chairman Pai Names Working Group Chairs and Vice Chairs of Precision Agriculture Task ForceMedia Contact: Mark Wigfield, (202) 418-0253 mark.wigfield@fcc.gov For Immediate Release CHAIRMAN PAI NAMES WORKING GROUP CHAIRS AND VICE CHAIRS OF PRECISION AGRICULTURE TASK FORCE First Task Force Meeting Scheduled for Monday, December 9 at the FCC -- WASHINGTON, December 6, 2019—Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai today announced the leadership of the four working groups that will support the work of the FCC’s new Task Force for Reviewing the Connectivity and Technology Needs of Precision Agriculture. The Task Force will hold its first meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, December 9 in the Commission Meeting Room ... |
Charlie EllisMU Extension in Lincoln County |
ChonexCHONEX was founded by a team of experienced entrepreneurs, farmers and scientists with the mission of helping farmers build a more sustainable food supply and heal and regenerate our topsoils. Chonex is fulfilling this mission by developing a patented-process that will help recycle billions of tons of animal manure annually into high-value products for sustainable agriculture. This process will help the agriculture industry address the important challenge of building a more sustainable way to meet the world’s demand for plant growth. With backing from the industry, top tier investors and other veterans in the industry, CHONEX ... |
Chris Heins |
Chris AulbachCoverCress Inc. |
Chris SigleyWisper ISP |
Christopher KilmurrayCERES DEMETER |
Chuck Miller |
ClarionAgronomist and test plots in Argentina Runs a lab |
Clarissa Cauthorn |
Clarkson Grain CompanyLynn Clarkson 2020-2021 working with CoverCress on seed propogation plan. Clarkson Grain Company, Inc. is an Illinois-based grain, oilseed, and ingredient supplier to the food manufacturing and animal feed industries. We specialize in the growing, storage, and processing of Identity-Preserved, Non-GMO, and organic corn, soybeans, and soy ingredients. We procure our specialty corn and soybean raw materials from our grower-partners throughout the United States. As licensed grain dealers and warehousemen, we offer several unique and exclusive corn hybrids including our Indigo Blue corn and a full selection of white corn and yellow corn. We also offer ... |
Claudio MachadoUNIAGRO |
CommoditAg Names New CEOCommoditAg, an e-commerce business in ag retail, has named John Demerly as its second CEO since launching in 2017. Demerly joins CommoditAg from Corteva AgriScience. CommoditAg has nine partner retailers across Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. The business offers online purchasing of crop inputs fulfilled by a retailer partner warehouse. “We are proud to partner with progressive ag retailers and provide another option for farmers in how they choose to buy their inputs,” Demerly says. Demerly gives these three priorities as he assumes the new leadership role on Sept. 1: Expand ... |
Conducting On-Farm Research |
Connect Americans NowToday, 34 million Americans lack an affordable and reliable broadband connection. Of these, 19.4 million live in rural areas. This digital divide means they are unable to take advantage of economic, health and educational opportunities that exist in other connected communities. It’s time to eliminate the rural digital divide – and we can do it by utilizing a model that includes fiber-based, satellite and wireless technologies, leveraging a range of frequencies including TV white spaces. By adopting a solution that brings a wide array of stakeholders to the table, we can connect millions of Americans in a cost-effective manner. &... |
Consumer PhysicsWe are the company that developed SCiO, the world’s first pocket-sized connected micro-spectrometer. Our mission is to empower everyone with material sensing capabilities, wherever, and whenever you need it. We believe that the days when only labs or skilled professionals used spectrometers are behind us. Now everyone can carry a material sensor and uncover a world the eye cannot see – the possibilities are endless How we've done it Utilizing the latest optical, algorithmic, and computer technologies, we took the traditional NIR Spectrometer and miniaturized it into SCiO. Agriculture businesses around the world have already ... |
Continuum AgTHE PROBLEM Quantifiable soil health data and standards are lacking. This gap creates uncertainty in how to achieve soil improvements and perpetuates lack of upside for growers. If standardized and benchmarked, soil health can provide a foundation for farm productivity, land value, crop premiums, and sustainable sourcing. THE SOLUTION Continuum Ag’s software imports soil data from many different sources and converts to universal format so that it can then benchmark metrics such as nutrients, organic matter, and CO2 for different geographies, soil types, and cropping systems. Not only does this capability quantify soil health, it identifies ... |
Corn Moisture Sensor - Pilot Preview |
Corvin Schoen |
Cover Crop PlanningTool needed for determining the best cover crop to use based on his specific field and crop plans. What mix to plant on hi OM soils, what to plant on lo OM soils, what to plant on bottom ground. |
Cover Crop Planning |
CoverCressOur mission: profitably deliver new farm income and low carbon intensity feedstocks while producing cover crop benefits www.covercress.com |
CoverCress - Pilot Preview |
CoverCress seeding with Dennis Bork10-11-2021 Field Notes Dennis Bork – Oakley, IL - Once in a Lifetime Farms - 217.519.4754 - lifetimefarms@hotmail.com Planting CoverCress on 210 Acres; 3 miles south and one mile west, on north side of the road. Ground owned by Lynn Clarkson Dennis farms 1000 Acres for Lynn. Plus at least another 300 acres. All are Certified Organic. Field was planted to Organic Sunflowers during 2021 season. Sunflowers are always planted north & south to maximize sun angle. Yielded about 1500#/A because of being organic. Normal yield about 2000#/A. He is planting the CoverCress east & ... |
CowlarEngineered to meet the demands of operating in tough environment, designed with feedback from dairy experts & customers, our cow collars are an attempt to bring dairy science & machine learning advances to your doorstep. We care about our customers, that is why we made cowlar on the World's most efficient wireless sensor network ensuring zero coverage blackout and long battery times per recharge. All cowlars run advanced proprietary algorithms combining dairy science, expert knowledge and machine learning. We monitor all the data in make sure your cows stay healthy, happy & provide the optimal milk yield. Our technology ... |
Cris HandelCoverCress Inc. |
Croplife 100 |
Croplife 100 - MFA |
CropX - Pilot Preview |
CynomysBovine Respiratory Syndrome Bovine respiratory syndrome (BRD) has increased dramatically since the 1970s - 1980s and is now endemic in intensive farming, especially in beef farming. The reason is mainly due to the delicate and relatively small lung volume of the bovine which in stress conditions (transport, early weaning, manipulations, environmental variations) and in a crowded environment, with pathogens in the air such as intensive farming is easily attackable due to a decrease in cellular immunity. How can we limit the damage and what are the factors that favor this pathology? Temperature and Humidity : A high ambient temperature ... |
Damian GoldringConsumer Physics |
Dan MulchMulch Farms // Wyffels Hybrids Rep |
Dan White |
Dane Emenhiser |
Daniel Eddy |
Danny KlinefelterTexas A&M University |
Danny KlinefelterDanny Klinefelter's faculty page at Texas A&M University. |
Darin Rosenthal |
David Mulch |
Davin AlthoffMissouri Department of Agriculture |
Dennis BorkCoverCress/Clarkson |
Detecting Herbicide Resistanceto use weed leaf tissue or weed residue to determine if the weed is resistant to a particular chemistry Could help map and measure weed resistance in fields |
DigiFarmzSystems integrator and model building for farmer decisions. Talked with Ricardo Balardin and Alexandrea Chequim 2021-01-06 about working in U.S. Mitigate mistakes in decision making. started with a focus on plant diseases and have extended to other issues Weather Data : micro satellites, weather stations, local forecasts 12 startups working together in Brazil Helpting to build yield, improve profitability Like Waze - crowd source inputs to buy, how to adjust rate, what to change in spray plans 2.5 - 16 bu/acre benefit in soybean 24 parameters used in models Who is your competition? no one with same value proposition ... |
DIGIRODEOCool syringe. Sounds like they are working on getting it to read ear tags, too. That would seem to me to be an important enhancement. Right now it records numbers of shots. Seems like with a bit more development could be a really nice record keeping tool. Smart syringe for vaccinating cattle Generates vaccination records Keeps a running count of shots |
Digital gap between rural and nonrural America persistsMay 31, 2019 Rural Americans have made large gains in adopting digital technology over the past decade, but they generally remain less likely than urban or suburban adults to have home broadband or own a smartphone. Roughly two-thirds of rural Americans (63%) say they have a broadband internet connection at home, up from about a third (35%) in 2007, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in early 2019. Rural Americans are now 12 percentage points less likely than Americans overall to have home broadband; in 2007, there was a 16-point gap between rural Americans (35%) and all U.S. adults (51%) on this question. As ... |
Disease Sensor - Soybeanshave an optical sensor that could look at beans as you harvest and determine the disease that causes them to staygreen and not drop leaves |
Doktar - Pilot Preview |
Drew Lock |
Dustin Spears |
EAGIC FAQ'sWhat is EAGIC? EAGIC stands for Early Adopter Grower Innovation Community. The EAGIC project provides a pathway for farmers to drive innovation in production agriculture. The EAGIC project wants to cultivate a new pathway for innovation to get to the farm. Rather than farmers having to sort through the growing myriad of options pushed at them, we want to talk with farmers and find out what their needs are and then find potential solutions to those needs and help test them on the farm. How does it work? We recognize that farmers are already a central figure ... |
EarthOpticsAt EarthOptics, convergence of scientific disciplines is alive and well. We see soil. Differently. Fundamentals of soil management, fertility and testing have changed little in decades. As farms have grown larger, crop producers, constrained by time and confronted with fickle weather, need a new approach to soil health. Analogous to current trends in human medicine, EarthOptics patent-pending products uniquely and non-invasively provide for soil health at the “point of care” … in real time. Focused intensely upon things that make a difference to both growers and consumers like tillage, residue management, organic matter and tilth, EarthOptics&... |
Eiwaanalyze imagery of plots to determine attributes by treatment |
Enrico CartaCynomys |
EnvirologixVomitoxin contamination harms farms, feed, and grain mills by reducing productivity, compromising quality, and creating food safety risks. Vomitoxin testing is important in the field because Fusarium flourishes in soil. If it is not detected in the field, the contamination will prevail in storage and withstand basic food processing. Fusarium infections look different depending on the plant it infects. For barley, Fusarium appears as a brown discoloration at the base of the glumes. On wheat, it appears as a pink or reddish mold on the glumes and kernels. On corn, a pink or reddish mold appears on the tip of ... |
Erik EisingSoilReader |
Esteban PivettaALTINA |
Estefania Del VecchioNANOTICA |
Eugenia SainiFontagro |
Exeteur GroupExeteur Group consists of Managing Partners, Senior Partners, Partners, CFO, IP Counsel, and Analysts. All partners have the capability to serve as CEOs and have expertise across all areas of Exeteur’s industry focus. might be good group to know more about due to their work in STL Meet Robert Calcaterra, Managing Director |
Fabiane KuhnRaks Tecnologia Agricola |
Fabio GrigorjevGREENVISUAL |
Farm Profits and Adoption of Precision AgricultureWhat Is the Issue? How and whether farm managers decide to adopt new technologies is complex, but most account for the full costs and benefits of the proposed investment. Precision agriculture (PA) technologies require a significant investment of capital and time, but may offer cost savings and higher yields through more precise management of inputs. Until the early 2000s, the adoption rate of different PA technologies varied up to 22 percent across major U.S. field crops. After that time, adoption of some technologies began to outpace others. Yield mapping via Global Positioning System (GPS) grew faster for corn and soybeans ... |
Farmers File Prevent Plant on More Than 19 Million AcresThis marks the most prevented plant acres reported since USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) began releasing the report in 2007, the agency noted in a press release. ( Farm Journal ) Amid an onslaught of report data Monday, USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) issued their first release of prevented plant data. This information which is gathered from local FSA offices in the form of acreage certification reports, will be updated throughout the remainder of the growing season. Still the initial release shows farmers were unable to plant more than 19.4 million acres in 2019. This marks the most prevented plant acres ... |
FarmLab (by Stenon)Advantages No time loss sending samples to a laboratory Receive soil data in seconds More than 5000 data points per measurement Easy soil analysis at the touch of a button Independent and customizable o Laboratories In order to cultivate your land you will no longer be dependent on laboratories when analyzing your soil. Save Money By using our product you will not only benefit from reduced soil analytics cost but also save on fertilizer spendings. Increase Yield Increase your crop yields by applying the perfect amount of fertiliser in the right places. Gain Insights Your soil is special and needs individual ... |
FCC Fixed Broadband Deployment MapFixed Broadband Deployment This application provides a visualization of the residential fixed broadband deployment data collected on FCC Form 477. Facilities-based providers of broadband service report Form 477 data in June and December each year. For more information about Form 477, to download the data, or to see reports generated from the dataset, please refer to the links at right. Providers report fixed-broadband deployment data at the census block level. Form 477 data are reported using 2010 Census blocks. Providers may not offer service to every home in every block in which they report service. The calculations used to create the graphs treat every ... |
Fernando Martinez de HozZoomAgri |
Fernando DelfinoFIELDVIEW |
FIELDVIEWExists in (originated from) U.S. Planting and harvest More tools in U.S. (Precision Planting) Show population and hybrid while planting |
First startups named for Danforth Center/Wells Fargo agtech incubator |
Forage Cup - Pilot Preview |
Francisco SalvatelliMSU |
Gabriel VidalAgriRed |
Gar Tootelian: Putting Ag Technology to the Test |
Garrett Riekhof |
Garrett HawkinsMissouri Farm Bureau |
GEOAGROI know this company in the U.S. Did some work several years ago with Ed DiPolina. Have a decent software. But their web-based platform for sharing data was, at the time, very rudimentary. May have gotten better. I don’t know. But they have had a presence in U.S. Not sure how we would fit with them. 15 years, 7 stages Productivity map – images Which sectors have more/less connectivity Environment of crop & Reduce yield gap Ag be competitive with other sectors Adopt tech to be competitive Irrigation is needed in ARG And traceability |
Germån CuestaAnote |
Giovanni ArduniniEiwa |
GlobalSTL Ag-Food Shopping List |
Gonzalo VerroneInteliAgro |
Gonzalo SlabochACRONEX |
Gonzolo GrigeraAgIdea |
Grain Probe - GrainPatrol |
Grain Storage SensorsThe ask was for a throw-away sensor that could be added to the grain as it is placed in storage. Basically wanted a cheap, reliable grain storage montitoring system. |
GrainViz (GSI / AGCO)System Features: View real-time complete moisture content of every bushel Identify the exact weight of the crop in your bin Integrate data with existing precision agriculture platforms 24/7 portal access including SMS updates (text alerts) and email notification Receive live value predictions based on local pricing information Save money on energy costs through optimized conditioning (moisture readings combined with local weather station data) Avoid the risk of drying on the field through your ability to control conditioning Accuracy of drying allows for weeks of earlier harvest Grain quality improvement as a result of harvesting earlier Higher protein and oil percentages These ... |
Greeneye TechnologyGreeneye provides an alternative and sustainable solution for the current crop protection practice in order to meet the globally growing demand for food while increasing the profitability and productivity for farmers. Greeneye utilizes artificial intelligence and deep learning technology to revolutionize the pest control process in agriculture, transitioning from the current practice of broadcast and wasteful spraying of pesticides to precise spraying in real-time. Greeneye’s proprietary selective spraying (SPP) system turns every sprayer to a smart machine with seamless integration, our solution enables farmers to save up to 90% of their chemical cost. In addition to the substantial savings ... |
GREENVISUALVery similar to some existing technologies in the U.S. AI for training weed recognition vs. crop. Then spray only weeds. I understand that the image collection is done via drone and then a map created is given to the sprayer for precise application. Resistance of herbicides Train to recognize weeds from crops Work with sprayer to spray weeds only Don’t need big expensive equipment Minimal viable product + fee/acre Not big investment in equipment Developing with National University |
Groundwork BioAgLET YOUR GROUND WORK™ We know your farm is not like any other. You put your heart and soul into your farm every day, and your personal character manifests itself in your crops. Agriculture is a complex, living, dynamic ecosystem. And you’ve worked hard to get the balance right. That is precisely why Groundwork BioAg’s R&D team is hard at work perfecting a broad range of solutions for each relevant seed or seedling, cultivation method and climate and soil condition. With 90% of all plants on earth forming symbiotic relationships with mycorrhizal fungi, chances ... |
Grower InSight WebsiteThis website talks about a system for doing a tech audit with growers or ag retailers. Includes access to questions in the survey for each group. |
Growers Share Their View of the Future of Precision AgricultureWe asked growers, how advanced are you now, and how advanced do you envision your farm getting, i.e. do you see robots, artificial intelligence, or other more advanced technology in your farm’s future? |
GROWMARK Teams Up with Solinftec to Increase Farm EfficiencyGROWMARK, Inc. has announced its partnership with global ag-tech leader Solinftec on digital solutions. The partnership will help FS member companies become more efficient in their operations to cover more acres a day, which will ultimately help growers get their fields applied faster and more accurately. “Solinftec has proven to be successful with large growers in Brazil and our footprint is similar,” said Lance Ruppert, director of agronomy marketing technology for GROWMARK. “They are hands on and pragmatic in their approach which matches what we need for success. They also have hardware that works ... |
Guillermo KaplunS4 |
Hay Moisture Sensor - for Pre-Baling use |
Heather Hampton Knodle |
HinomanOur technology enables an all-natural yet unprecedently composition-consistent vegetable. Mankai™ Plant contains 45%+ complete whole vegetable protein, packed with vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and other nutrients. It eclipses standard superfoods, such as Kale and Spirulina. |
How Connected are Our Farms?Policymakers are typically aware of the discrepancy in broadband availability and adoption between rural and urban areas. The latest data from the National Broadband Map (NBM) suggests that while 100% of urban residents have access to at least one wired broadband provider, only 78% of rural residents do (National Telecommunications and Information Association (NTIA), 2014). This has significant implications for rural households and businesses, and the issue has received attention in the form of federal broadband grants and loans for rural populations (Kruger and Gilroy, 2013). However, one piece of the puzzle has been notably missing from discussions regarding rural broadband and future economic ... |
How far Americans live from the closest hospital differs by community typeDecember 12, 2018 Rural Americans are more likely than people in urban and suburban areas to say access to good doctors and hospitals is a major problem in their community. Nearly a quarter (23%) of Americans in rural areas say this, compared with 18% of urbanites and 9% of suburbanites, according to a Pew Research Center survey research on travel times, a bit old, but travel times may not change too much unless of hospital closures |
How Quickly Do Farmers Adopt Technology? A KFMA AnalysisAbstract Precision technologies have been available at the farm level for decades. However, the rate at which adoption occurs varies. Some technologies have been readily adopted while others lagged. Analysis of 608 Kansas farms provided insights regarding duration of adoption. The lag, in years, between technologies becoming commercially available and being adopted were evaluated using non-parametric duration analysis. Duration for embodied-knowledge technologies were statistically sooner than for information-intensive technologies, indicating farmers adopt automated guidance 'quicker' than yield monitors. Duration was indirectly (directly) proportional to commercialization date of embodied-knowledge (information-intensive) technology. Results are useful to ... |
How to Do Market Research: A 6-Step GuideLearn how to conduct market research using primary and seconday research methods to identify your target customers and competitors. |
Ignacio EgurenAGROPRO |
Ignacio IturriagaDigirodeo |
Ignacio HeitAapreside |
Ignacio SanseovichTecso |
Ignacio Nahuel IzurietaBEEFLOW |
INDIGOCropsmith does some plot work for Indigo in the U.S. I honestly cannot figure out their approach to business and what they bring to the market. Seems like the biological products are basis, but they want to be disruptors of the current supply/demand chains. 2 years in Argentina US 5 years – biological products Activate mechanisms in stress IRP : place technology in field Testing platform of different technologies & what makes it useful 15,000 plots (modules) Work with small lines of business Differentiate products |
Information on CTI Fiber Deployment in Montgomery County IllinoisAugust 2018 (excerpt) After 10,000 man-hours spanning the last eight months and 225,000 feet of fiber cable in the ground, CTI of Taylorville announced on Tuesday, Aug. 14, that their fiber optic network is complete from Taylorville to Nokomis and Hillsboro. "We are excited to start connecting businesses and residents of the Hillsboro and Nokomis communities to our fiber network," according to CTI Vice President Adam Vocks. "It's been a long eight months of work and now, with this milestone completed, we can direct all of our efforts into getting people connected to the fiber." In ... |
Ingrid Clausen |
Initial look at Methane reduction technology for livestockMatt, Did some preliminary looking on the methane reduction ideas (per Davin’s point about Mike Deering’s interests). Looks like a lot of work on this across the globe, particularly Australia and UK. You might want to check out these sites if you are interested: Products for Reducing Methane Emissions future-feed.com - seaweed additive cites 80% reduction - more below https://mootral.com/ - Mootral Ruminant feed supplement showing 30% reduction https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2018.02094/full - journal article on Mootral. https://www.wipo.int/ip-outreach/... |
Innovation Centers IndexLocation Contact Israel Uri Argentina Brazil Roberto Quebec Jenny/Roch UK Ireland Philip Griffin, Enterprise Ireland |
Innovative program gives ag startups a boost |
InteliAgroInteliAgro is another marketing platform. From what I gathered, in addition to connecting buyers and sellers, they plan to mine the data of how farmers make decisions…and I assume make money on knowing that information. Reduce risk Know all prices available Know work of crops – sell when price convenient for him See how neighbors are selling Data from market and farmers Create dashboards w/ KPI SaaS model Expansion: Argentina, Europe, Uruguay, Paraguay, RioFEX, Rosario futures exchange, TechnoCampo Locate local partners How farmers make decisions Get market data, not the futures market or CBT Free and premium model $25/... |
Intrinsyx BioAt Intrinsyx Bio, we are commercializing 3 decades of the leading academic research in the plant microbiome. Our endophytic microbes cause crop plants, grasses, ornamental plants, and trees to fix Nitrogen (N2) directly from the atmosphere into ammonia which helps improve nutrient use efficiency, supplement synthetic fertilizer requirements, and increase chlorophyll. These microbes live in leaves, stems, roots and don't require a nodule. Our endophyte microbes also mobilize insoluble phosphorus (P2) from soil into roots, as well as increased drought and salt tolerances. |
Intrinsyx BioAt Intrinsyx Bio, we are commercializing 3 decades of the leading academic research in the plant microbiome. Our endophytic microbes cause crop plants, grasses, ornamental plants, and trees to fix Nitrogen (N2) directly from the atmosphere into ammonia which helps improve nutrient use efficiency, supplement synthetic fertilizer requirements, and increase chlorophyll. These microbes live in leaves, stems, roots and don't require a nodule. Our endophyte microbes also mobilize insoluble phosphorus (P2) from soil into roots, as well as increased drought and salt tolerances. |
Is St. Louis the Silicon Valley of Agtech?Is St. Louis the Silicon Valley of Agtech? NOVEMBER 2, 2017 LOUISA BURWOOD-TAYLOR AND EMMA COSGROVE St. Louis has worked hard to be a magnet for Fortune 500 companies. Nine members of this elite class call the city home, not the least of which is multinational agricultural giant Monsanto. Walmart has more than 20,000 employees in St. Louis alone. Post Holding Co., which owns 24 of the most recognizable boxed cereal brands in the US, is based in the city and fast casual juggernaut Panera Bread is too. With these headquarters surrounded by nearly 100,000 farms — Missouri is a major production state for soybeans, pork, ... |
It’s time for a new approach for mapping broadband data to better serve Americans |
Izzy AbbassTrilogy Networks, Inc. |
Jacob / Kimberly Jones |
Jaime Quilequeo |
Jairo TradKILIMO |
Jake Perino |
Jake Walker |
Jake Moore |
James Raulerson |
Jarrett ChambersATP |
Jason Kurtz |
Jay Niemann |
Jenny PartoucheQuebec Government Office in Chicago |
Jim BudzynskiMacroGain Partners |
Joe FechtSyngenta - Research Associate 1 |
Jonathan ClaussenNanoSpy |
Josefina OldaniPLA y PLANTIUM |
JR BareisTigerhawk Technologies |
Juan TolozaUNIAGRO |
Juan Martin GuichonManAgro |
Justin Rone |
Ken Dalenberg |
Kenny Hulshof |
Kent ShannonUniversity of Missouri Extension - Boone County |
Kent Shannon |
Kevin Rosenbohm |
Kevin Fennewald |
KILIMOConfident company able to determine irrigation watering needs of many crops. Can work with any cropping system. Any irrigation system. Basically modeling water needs. Sounds like a new tool for Argentina. But talking to them later (see notes below) the U.S. market was more competition than they were prepared for. Irrigation management Old way: Lot of crap to determine to irrigate Digs soil ½ /xxx to calibrate Do what neighbor does New Method of when to irrigate Rec. Climate satellite data to model how much water is there 5 years 5 countries including U.S. Work with intensive crops 17% water savings. ... |
KWSIn the USA, KWS uses a robot to automatically record plant characteristics. The technology helps plant breeders to draw conclusions for higher yields and better resitences. |
Laboratory for intelligent agricultural decision support systems (LADS) |
Landus CooperativeLandus Cooperative is a farmer-owned agricultural cooperative headquartered in Ames, Iowa. We’re proud to provide value for approximately 7,000 member-owners. Our unique capabilities include offering agronomy services, precision ag, field services, AcreEdge soybean seed, grain marketing and animal nutrition. We also manufacture a line of specialized feed for dairy cows, which is distributed globally. At Landus Cooperative, our team enjoys serving members, uplifting agriculture and enriching lives in local communities. We employ more than 600 people and serve more than 60 communities in Iowa and Minnesota. We are governed by a ... |
Lavie BioImprove food quality, agricultural sustainability and productivity through the introduction of microbiome based ag-biological products. BETTER BY NATURE Better food for consumers with improved quality and health attributes. Better agriculture for a sustainable enviroment. Nature is the ultimate resource – we partner with the untapped potential of the microbiome. |
Leandro SabignosoAURAVANT |
Liron HillelGreeneye Technology |
Louis McCarthyBrewer Science |
Louisa Burwood-TaylorAgFunder News |
Lt. Gov. Kehoe establishes food manufacturing task force |
Lucas BurzacoIndigo |
Lucas Hanke |
Luke BlackburnGlobalSTL |
Lynn ClarksonClarkson Grain |
ManAgroJuan Martin Guichon, Director de Administracion y Finanzas, jmguichon@managro.com.ar Juan & Diego Engineers going to open their minds Be sure to meet with Duane Coming to STL SD & Purdue Might be good to meet with Jonathon and Dale Apperle about how they manage farms Purdue – are their no-till people to meet Cesar Bolloso Wants to create ecosystem in Pergamino |
Map of Missouri Broadband AccessMap (no data files) for Missouri broadband access. Missouri Broadband Access data from the latest American Community Survey which tries to refine the FCC maps Federal Broadband Datasets excellent slider map (split-pane) to see difference between FCC Healthy Futures (hospitals and access) Location of hospitals (blue squares) and rating of access to primary care physicians Educational Access (schools and household access) shading is households with no internet as percentage, darker is higher percentage w/o |
Map of Missouri Electric CooperativesThere are 40 distribution cooperatives which provide electricity to individual homes, farms and businesses. Some of these co-ops are quite large while others may serve just one county. Missouri’s smallest electric cooperative has just over 2,000 member-owners while our largest has more than 40,000 members. Regardless of size, each operate in a similar fashion. Each member-owner has one vote at an annual membership meeting at which bylaws are approved and board members are elected. The board members, each a member of the cooperative, set policy for the co-op to direct day to day operations. For a printable map,&... |
Marcelo RolandelliEiwa |
Mariana VasconcelosAgrosmart |
Mariano RomeroBEEFLOW |
Marketing ResearchAn overview of Marketing Research. |
Martin RainaudoAapresid |
Martin CordascoWiagro |
Martin RundPAQ Interactive |
Mary Laurx |
Matías CarreraOPTIAGRO |
Matt Luetje |
Matt HardeckeMissouri Cattlemen's Association |
MFA: Mainstreaming Precision Ag Services |
Michael SwansonWells Fargo Bank N.A. |
Michael LynchChonex |
Microsoft Airband: An annual update on connecting rural AmericaUpdated 3/5/2020, this page discusses the project and its rollout. |
Microsoft puts $1.5 million into farm project near FargoFARGO, N.D. — Microsoft Corp. on Thursday, Oct. 17, announced a $1.5 million, three-year investment into the Fargo-based tech firm Emerging Prairie to help build what Microsoft calls the farm of the future at Emerging Prairie’s Grand Farm project. Among the dignitaries attending the event at the Microsoft campus in Fargo were North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, Microsoft President Brad Smith and Barry Batcheller of Fargo, one of the nation’s leading entrepreneurs in agricultural technology. Smith said the money will help develop a building at the project site, south of Fargo near the town of Horace, ... |
Mike Rosenbohm |
Mike BurdickAmerican Robotics |
Milagros GrazianiBEEFLOW |
miRobot automatic milking machineWith miRobot’s technology, the complete milking process is done simultaneously in a fully automated manner with only one supervisor per session (instead of a worker tending serially to 8-10 cows). This results in shorter milking sessions, which means you can now service more cows. For example, in a mid-sized parlor an average milking routine now lasts only 9 minutes (instead of 15-16 minutes). The outcome is a drop of 30% in cow time-in-parlor and an increase in infrastructure utilization of 50%. |
Mississippi Researchers, Aerial Applicators Looking At Drone Tech |
Mississippi State University Geosystems Research Institute |
Missouri Cattlemen's Association2306 Bluff Creek Dr. Columbia, MO |
Mobile Technology and Home Broadband 201937% of Americans now go online mostly using a smartphone, and these devices are increasingly cited as a reason for not having a high-speed internet connection at home |
Montgomery County Online MapGIS maps for Montgomery County Illinois No data access just viewable. |
MoocallMoocall Calving Sensor monitors your pregnant cow. The Moocall Calving Sensor monitors her contractions to accurately determine when she will most likely calf. Then it sends an SMS alert up to 2 phones to ensure that you can be present when calving occurs, usually about 1 hour prior to calving. It will also send emails and app notifications to give you that extra layer of cover. The Moocall HEAT is a collar worn by a stock or a teaser/vasectomised bull, cows and heifers should have Moocall eartags attached to them. It uses cow-bull proximity, mounting behaviour and bull activity levels ... |
MSU - ArgentinaMSU is within the main agribusiness companies in South America, dealing with grains and cattle productions, on own and investors’ farms, at the most important productive areas of the Mercosur Region. ARGENTINA – BRAZIL – PARAGUAY – URUGUAY Agricultural Businesses We have a large experience leading with state of the art technology implementations to enhance the quality and productivity of the business, with a strong focus on the agri-systems efficiency and sustainability. |
MU's Kent Shannon profiled as an “exceptional extension specialist”COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension natural resource engineer Kent Shannon was featured in the November 2017 issue of Successful Farming magazine, which profiles “10 Exceptional Extension Specialists(opens in new window).” |
Multi-generation farm embraces technology |
MyFormularyjust want to learn more about food as medicine genre |
NanospyThe breakthrough biosensor is here. NO time-consuming bacteria enrichment process. NO environmentally hazardous reagents. NO laboratory requirements. Welcome to NanoSpy Rapid Pathogen Detection Biosensors NanoSpy’s state-of-the-art biofunctionalized nanomaterials create a new biosensor platform and a new paradigm in pathogen detection. Sensitivity, specificity, and speed now are combined in one convenient test. Detect a specifically targeted pathogen in CFU/mL in less than 20 minutes. would like to meet with Jonathan Claussen, - pending |
NANOTICASounds like they have their technology down pat – nanotizing application materials. Their niche is doing it on the farm, closer to application so the nanotizing is fresh. I don’t know of a company in the U.S. offering this service. But also don’t know of a demand for it. Seems unique enough (and big enough) to attempt a run at U.S. market...if one exists. Only part of product absorbed by crops (with current systems) Gain 20-50% efficiencies when nanotized If macro particles forms a layer on leaves Useful with many products on market (... |
Nathan StookeWisper Internet |
NeogenRapid tests for deoxynivalenol (a.k.a., DON and vomitoxin) from Neogen® can screen a wide variety of grain and grain product samples at 1 ppm, or provide fully quantitative results in the range of 25 to 250 ppb (high sensitivity test), or 0.25 to 5 ppm. Deoxynivalenol (DON) is most commonly produced by the pink mold Fusarium graminearum. DON, a member of the trichothecene family, is produced by fungi living on cereal commodities such as wheat, corn, barley and ensilages. The toxicological effects attributed to DON include: nausea (vomiting), feed refusal, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, immuno-suppression and blood disorders. Neogen provides several DON (... |
Nicolas Mayer-WolfAgreeMarket |
Nicolás SchroederPENSAGRO |
Nicolas OtamendiEiwa |
Nutrient Loss ReductionThe Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy calls for innovative ways to limit the loss of nutrients, particularly phosphorus and nitrogen, to the environment. Illinois Corn Growers, Illinois NREC, and others have committed resources to finding suitable products and services to meet this need. |
On the go pH sensorNeed to be able to do annual applications of lime. Need quick method sensor. "something other than the Veris sensor" Need to find out more about why Veris sensor is not working. |
On-the-go Soil Moisture Sensorhave a sensor on tillage equipment to indicate if too wet conditions for certain soil types |
OPI (Advanced Grain Storage Management)OPI Blue Remote Grain Storage Management The future of grain storage management. Remote access to mobile or desktop devices—anywhere, anytime. Timely in-bin grain storage data will update directly to your smartphone, tablet or desktop computer with automatic 24/7 monitoring and alerts. Remote control of your fans, up to 80% reduction in run-time* Weather station integration assists with fan control. OPI’s weather station provides reliable information about the ambient temperature and relative humidity conditions and then calculates the Equilibrium Moisture Content. Hourly grain temperature and moisture readings. Grain inventory levels. Ability to view bins and multiple sites in a ... |
OPTIAGROField management software that seems to specialize in creating production zones for fields. Does seem to have good zone building software (by description) but not sure what else they have to offer. See note of later meeting, too. One solution to farmers September new product with irrigation Tracking farms Seeding rate by zone – output shp file to machine for planting Don’t want to skip the agronomist Uses sat. imagery and max vegetative image to build maps Qnote: does not seem too advanced 1 year 2 months old +GPS receiver – hardware (silver) moisture and temp sensor What intrigues ... |
OstaraTHE OSTARA SOLUTION Ostara’s nutrient recovery solutions are transforming resource recovery— closing the loop on a broken cycle. In addition to the cost benefit of recovering nuisance nutrients, the solution helps protect local waterways from nutrient pollution at a time when clean water, food security, fertilizer runoff, and growing populations are issues for communities around the globe. would like to meet Molly Biedenfeld |
Paul SchellProgressive Ag Services |
Paul RaymerSoilOptix |
Pebble LabsThe planet will soon need to support ten billion people – three billion more than today. It’s a future that requires immediate actions to create a foundation for more sustainable food supplies and better disease control. Pebble Labs is committed to solving these global challenges. We bring scientists and researchers from around the world to our Los Alamos laboratory campus, collaborating to accelerate the science that creates real-world solutions. We move with urgency, sharing our learning and breakthroughs to solve some of the world’s biggest challenges as rapidly as possible. At the heart of what we ... |
PENSAGROProbably the simplest, but one of the coolest ideas I saw at the field day…likely because it was a physical demo. While a simple idea, it really did seem to fill in a need – a convenience for animal operations of any size. Would be interested to learn more about similar products in U.S. and if PensAgro is ready to sell outside Argentina. Remote control fencing allows ranch hand to raise or lower electric fencing from a key fob Good for moving animals from paddock to paddock Good for lowering fence when driving through paddock Worked in ... |
People in Emails about Argentinathis list is people who were copied on emails about the Argentina trip: (Main Contact listed first) Ingrid Clausen: "Drago, Ayelen" <adrago@bcr.com.ar>, "Irigoyen, Guido" <girigoyen@bcr.com.ar>, "Viruega, Diego" <dviruega@bcr.com.ar> "spizone@nesters.tech" <spizone@nesters.tech>, "pbaron@nesters.tech" <pbaron@nesters.tech> |
Pérez Terry GonzaloArpeggio |
Peter RostMissouri Soybean Association |
Phil TaylorBayer U.S. - Crop Science Research & Development Innovation Sourcing |
Philip GriffinEnterprise Ireland |
PhospholutionsResearch shows more than half of fertilizer applied is never utilized by plants. RhizoSorb is a patented technology developed to naturally improve nutrient retention, increase plant uptake, and ultimately reduce leaching and waste. RhizoSorb PLUS acts as a revolutionary nutrient delivery system designed to release phosphorus based on plant demands. would like to meet Byron Bredael, Director of Sales |
Pivot-based artificial intelligence at work |
PLA y PLANTIUMPlanter tech, but looked below the standards of Precision Planting in the U.S. I did not see any component that does not already exist in U.S. market. Hi-quality planting and hi-speed planting Air seeding Integrated metering system Monitor – see what is seeded 2-15 km/hr speeds Row control Air pressure constant |
PlastomicsPlastomics is a biotechnology startup using chloroplast genetic engineering to develop the next generation of high performing crops. |
Polo de innovaticion Tecnologica Pergamino |
Polo Tecnologico RosarioIn the evening we joined our group for a tour of a new innovation center in Rosario. We toured renovated buildings and got presentations from several functionaries about the center. After we got to see one of the drones being developed there, Tecso. Ignacio Sanseovich, Director, Ignacio.sanseovich@tecso.coop |
PONCE AUTOMATIONSSeems like a good option for using sensors to measure water use/availability and prescribe water applications. Seemed to be good in certain (seed) markets in Argentina. IoT Making irrigation more sustainable Saves fuel, electricity, water Sensors Communicate with satellite transfer Removes need for daily check of crops/system Depth of moisture 3 components Alerts – text App Reports – best methods for irrigation Map of irrigation Argentina seed growers Service to help farmers |
PowerPollen Website |
Pre-Baling Hay Moisture TesterMoisture detection method to use on wind-rowed hay or straw, to measure its moisture content and readiness for baling. |
Precision Ag Connectivity Task Force Meeting - March 2020Precision Ag Connectivity Task Force Meeting - March 2020 MAR 25 2020 9:30 am EDT Online Only At this meeting, the Task Force provided updates on Task Force administration; reviewed and discussed programs and policies relevant to the Task Force's duties; and discussed recent agricultural industry-wide events related to broadband deployment and precision agriculture technologies. This meeting was held in a wholly electronic format in light of travel restrictions affecting members of the Task Force related to the ongoing increase in coronavirus (COVID-19) cases. The Task Force meeting was open to the public on the Internet via live ... |
Precision Agriculture Technologies and Factors Affecting Their AdoptionPrecision agriculture technologies are playing an increasing role in farm production. Precision technologies—such as tractor guidance systems using a global positioning system (GPS), GPS soil and yield mapping, and variable-rate input applications (VRT)—help farms gather information on changing field conditions to adjust production practices. |
Precision Agriculture: Higher Profit, Lower CostSoybean growers are rapidly adopting precision technologies because they make their farming operations cost less, allowing them greater profit. |
Precision farming technology ups and downsThe use of precision farming technologies have become standard operating procedure for many U.S. farming operations. While the efficiencies and per-acre savings they offer have been confirmed by research and growers alike, there remain barriers to overcome operating the sometimes not-so-user-friendly technologies. |
Precision PlantingSoil Moisture Sensing - Adequate moisture is needed in the soil for a seed to germinate. If the soil does not have enough moisture for a seed to germinate, it will take a rain shower to get enough moisture for that seed to germinate. SmartFirmer measures and displays soil moisture in the cab so you can make adjustments to get seeds into adequate moisture. Organic Matter Sensing - In any field, there are multiple yield environments that are determined by differences in the field. One of the foundations of these differences is the amount of organic ... |
PumpTrakr - Pilot Preview |
Quentin RundPAQ Interactive Inc |
Raks Agriculture TechnologyKnow in real-time WHEN and HOW MUCH to irrigate. Integrate data from soil, crop, weather and irrigation system, and have the management of your irrigation in your hands. Solar boards Board that captures solar energy and feeds the entire system, avoiding the need for cables in the field and expenses with electricity. This plate allows the entire system to be fixed and still have clean and renewable energy. Meter Electronic circuit developed internally to interpret soil moisture information and carry out data transmission via wireless connection, without internet and without cables in the middle of the field. ... |
RantizoLicensed and certified application service contractors can leverage crop and field data established by your agricultural data platforms. From there, they can deliver inputs precisely when and where you need them. Liquid or dry applications are available. They can fly & apply everything from pesticides to micronutrients, as well as interseed cover crop seeds, and even deploy beneficial insects. |
Ricardo BalardinDigiFarmz |
Rick Meier |
Rob TriceThe Mixing Bowl |
Robert LubbenRabo AgriFinance |
Roberto Werneck |
Robotic See & Spray“Swarm” field with robotic sprayers that selectively spray weeds and avoid crop plants |
Robotic See 'n Spray |
Rock Detection for Soybean Cutter Barwould like a device to be able to detect rocks ahead of the cutter bar while harvesting soybean (could also be useful for wheat and other small grains). Alert operator and or raise bar automatically to avoid snagging the rock. Prevent down time and repairs needed for equipment due to rocks |
Rodrigo CarrizoAuravant |
ROGO - Robotic Soil Sampling ServicesUnparalleled Extraction Complete & Custom Depth Control No Core Loss or Compression Reduces Contamination Core Repeatability Returns to Each Core within Inches Accurate Data for Trend Analysis Zero Human Error Complete Autonomy Reliable Packaging and Identification Done Right Every Time Low Risk Investment Provided as a Service by the Acre Reduces Risk and Upfront Cost |
Rural Broadband Access Loan and Loan GuaranteeThe Rural Broadband Access Loan and Loan Guarantee Program (Broadband Program) furnishes loans and loan guarantees to provide funds for the costs of construction, improvement, or acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to provide service at the broadband lending speed in eligible rural areas. |
Rural Broadband ConnectivityFarmers and others in rural areas have limited access to broadband internet services. Without this access rural residents and businesses find it difficult to compete with those who have broadband access. Further, the lack of access leads to a drain of human resources from rural areas. Farmers need broadband services to use many of the advanced monitoring and management tools on the market today. As a business, they need access to compete with better served customers. |
Rural Development Broadband ReConnect ProgramBroadband ReConnect Program furnishes loans and grants to provide funds for the costs of construction, improvement, or acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to provide broadband service in eligible rural areas. The application window for the first round of funding is closed, and applications are currently under review. Follow one of the links below to learn more about the program. |
Ryan MossBrewer Science |
Ryan ShaughnessyEnterprise Ireland Chicago |
S4Another satellite imaging company. Nothing that sets them apart that I could tell, but they did seem to have a steady market for their services. Satellite imagery of crops Useful for insurance 2 algorithms, critical periods NDVI imagery 20km x 20km Rent statuses Best Practices Applications (BPA) get included S4 as a best practice Cost is by area (of image) not field |
SaliCropUnique Seed Treatment. SaliCrop utilizes a unique wet chemistry process that stimulates an Epi-Genetic reaction to salinity conditions at seed stages. Non GM, anti A Biotic Stress (ABS) seeds treatments to grow well in high salinity soils or when irrigated with brackish water. Looks like it would be a good tool for high fertigation areas where salinity has built up to a point of diminishing crop growth. Looks interesting and white papers were helpful. |
SaliCrop Whitepaper: Kissufim Israel Silage Wheat Field Trials 2019-2020During winter of 2019 and spring of 2020, Salicrop conducted silage wheat field trials with wheat seeds variety “Ariel” by HaZera seeds. The trial conducted with Kibbutz Urim grower in the Northern Negev (Kissufim) in Israel. The field trial was rain fed in a semi desert environment conditions (annual precipitation 215mm): dry, hot/cold environment. |
SaliCrop Whitepaper: Maharashtra India Rice Field Trials 2018-2019Background During Kharif season (June-Oct) of 2018 and 2019 Salicrop conducted each year a rice field trial with local rice seeds variety “Jaya”. The trial conducted with rice farmers at village Masadbedi (Pen, Dist Raigad, Maharashtra, India) near to the Mumbai bay at the sea. Soil salinity in the tested area varies from 13 EC to 2 EC throughout the crop cycle, depending mainly on see water level and monsoon rains. TREATMENT Salicrop treated the Jaya seeds with its proprietary seeds treatment for salinity tolerance and handover the treated seeds to the farmers. The farmers cultivated treated seeds side by side ... |
SaliCrop Whitepaper: Yotvata Israel Sweet Corn Fields Trials 2019BACKGROUND During spring of 2019 (Feb-May) and autumn of 2019 (Sept-Dec), Salicrop conducted two sweet corn field trials with sweet corn seeds variety “7210”. The trial conducted with Kibbutz Yotvata grower in the Southern tip of Israel. The field trial location faced extreme desert conditions: dry, hot/cold and salty environment. The sweet corn was irrigated with salty (brackish) water of EC 5 to 2.5. TREATMENT Salicrop treated the 7210 seeds with its proprietary seeds treatment for Abiotic stress tolerance (salinity stress and drought stress) and handover the treated seeds to the grower. The grower cultivated treated seeds side by side next to untreated ... |
SatellogicReferral from Roberto Werneck, Brazil Satellogic: satellite remote sensing for agriculture and other industries multi-spectral sensor and hyperspectral sensor on each “mini” satellite third payload bay could be LoRaE receiver or other device may be good image supplier to companies developing ‘insights’ for farmers Sebastian will send sample images and spec sheets Had zoom meeting with them on 20201117. |
SCANTERRASatellite imaging company. My impression is that they figured out how to sell crop assessment information to big players: insurance, commodity processors. They have a niche, but I did not get the impression they had any magic processing capabilities with the standard satellite imagery. Solutions for big companies, farmers, research institutes Partner with other companies International developer group 3 solutions for companies and farmers Companies Agro empresa – platform Seguros – insurance Farmers Productivity – integrating data layers Riesgo – risks of each farm Reliemento – rent but not own Guostation – mobile for scouting, works offline, conditions, photos, video, measure ... |
SCiO Forage CupInstant dry matter analysis SCiO Cup is the world’s fastest lab-grade dry matter analyzer, combining portability, accuracy and ease of use. It revolutionizes feed analysis by moving decision making out of the lab and into the field, by using Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy (NIRS). Some of the benefits include: Plan optimal corn silage harvesting time Ensure consistent dry matter in feed Minimize leftovers, reduce costs |
Sebastian NojekSatellogic |
Segundo Moreno CrottoAgencia Argentina de Inversiones y Comercio Internacional |
SIMAI did not get excited about this presentation. Nothing new here. Record keeping software. Use of satellite imagery. Crop production records Works offline – will sync to web when wifi present Website: tables and analysis modules Satellite images and compare to other images |
Skyway Grain SystemsThe entire system consists of a hand-held monitor and SmartSnap cables. SmartSnap cables are the backbone of the StorMax Temperature Monitoring System. Each cable is equipped with its own unique address. This digital intelligence makes it possible to interconnect a large amount of cables for one stop data collection. The cables are easy to install because of the two-pin connector system. The cables snap together easliy with no wiring or special tools required. The cables are fully modular and can adapt to any storage configuration and still leave room for future expansion. The StorMax monitor collects all of the data ... |
Snap A Photo, Estimate Corn YieldPioneer is launching the “Pioneer Corn Yield Estimator” to help farmers gather corn yield estimates faster and with a high level of accuracy. The tool uses machine learning to analyze kernels quickly and estimate yield based on kernel count, stand count and kernels per bu. Each sample requires a minimum number of pictures and angles and requires the husk silks to be removed (the ear doesn’t have to be removed from the stalk). The tool walks farmers through this process. “The creation of this tool is part of Pioneer’s larger efforts to advance ... |
Sofia RamirezLiventus |
Soil Fertility Sensorhave a sensor on a combine to determine fertility of soil during harvest to better time fertilizer applications Could be an existing sensor could work, but would it as a combine unit? Too much residue, too much static from harvesting operations. |
Soil Optix - Pilot Preview |
SoilOptixThe SoilOptix® scanner reads gamma rays emitted by the soil that provide a complex picture of its condition at 335 points per acre. Physical soil samples are integrated into our readings. SoilOptix® uses proprietary software to translate this information into high definition digital maps. The resulting data is VRA ready to maximize seeding and input performance. |
SoilReaderSoilReader is in the final stages of field accuracy and durability documentation and will be available for purchase in 2020. Pre-orders will be accepted soon. |
Steve Pitstick |
Supervisor SystemsPocket-sized NIR Scanner that connects wirelessly to the SCiO App on your smart device. Get accurate dry matter results in under a minute. Scan history and results are available within the app and are easily sharable through email and messaging. With a Basic Forage subscription, you can test: - Corn Silage - Legume Silage - Grass Silage - Dry Hay - Small Grain Silage - Fresh Corn Silage - Fresh Legume Silage - Fresh Grass - Fresh Small Grain Silage - Mixed Forage Silage - Barley Silage - TMR. With additional subscription, you can add the Corn on ... |
T.J. Shambaugh IV |
Tanzer BilgenDoktar |
TeleSenseTeleSense is leading the post-harvest data revolution. With our suite of advanced grain sensors, it is our mission to make grain storage profitable again by providing grain operators with actionable alerts about their stored grain, sent right to their smartphone or laptop through the TeleSense cloud-based app. Company Info: https://www.telesense.com/sensor-balls Claim: “Leading the Agricultural Data Revolution” Home Office: Sunnyvale, California, USA Phone: (833) 472-4600 Related Product Info.: the sensor balls seem to be close to what you were saying about tossing a sensor in with the grain as you load ... |
TerraClear - Pilot Preview |
Terry AllenConsumer Physics |
test resourcesTest resource content |
Tevel Aerobotics TechnologiesAs a cutting-edge ag-tech company, we provide on-demand fruit harvesting solutions. Our flying autonomous fruit picking robots, fill unmet needs for labor at the right time and at a lower cost, making orchard management easier and more profitable. This service is fully scalable to meet the demands of a growing population and can be seamlessly deployed everywhere |
The Critical Challenge of Learning Precision Agriculture New Skills: Grower Learning Groups and On-Farm TrialsAbstract A greater number of growers are adopting some aspects of precision agriculture (PA). There is a very critical need to assist them in many ways. The Precision Agriculture Center (PAC), University of Minnesota, is sponsoring grower learning groups (GLGs) dedicated to sharing knowledge of precision agriculture practices adn conducting on-farm experiments. In collaboration with PAC outreach specialists, growers identified limiting factoring for crop yield, quality or water quality management and then ran experiments to test new management approaches. In 2002, three GLGs were formed. Meetings were organized in the winter and summer, field experiments were ... |
The Executive Program for Agricultural ProducersList of articles for The Executive Program for Agricultural Producers. |
The rural broadband divide: An urgent national problem that we can solveEvery day the world is becoming more digital. Cloud computing combined with new productivity, communication and intelligent tools and services enable us to do more, do it more quickly and in ways that were simply unimaginable a generation ago. But participating in this new era requires a high-speed broadband connection to the internet. While it’s a service that is as critical as a phone or electricity, according to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) broadband is unavailable to roughly 25 million Americans, more than 19 million of which live in rural communities. That’s roughly the population of New York ... |
Thiago LobãoSP Ventures |
Tim SeifertRTS Farms |
Tim ArbeiterMissouri Department of Economic Development |
Tom ChristensenFennebresque & Co. |
Tom Waters |
Tom Stoy |
Tomás Peña |
Tony CovelyAgri-Labs, Inc |
Trellis (irrigation related)If you are using soil moisture sensors to manage irrigation, the impact of nitrogen fertilizer should not be ignored. Rather than constantly applying a fixed rate on a schedule, the responsiveness of sensors should be used to apply optimal amounts at the right time. Sentek Triscan soil moisture sensors also give electroconductivity (Ec) readings, which can help you monitor your nitrogen levels and potential fertilizer leaching in real-time. |
TRI-STATES Grain Conditioning, Inc.Grain temperature monitoring is critical. When grain goes out of condition, regardless of the cause, there is always an unusual change in temperature. Excessive moisture, high temperature, and poor grain condition (insects or damaged kernels) are generally considered the most important factors that lead to problems with stored grain. Monitoring the temperature of grain (watching for changing trends) on a regular basis gives the manager the best chance to make a correction when a temperature change is occurring, preserving good quality in grain. Knowing the temperature of the grain also makes it possible for the fans to be run only ... |
TV White Spaces : FAQ and Engineering Best PracticesThis technical document from Microsoft's Airband Initiative. This is intended for people who will setup the equipment and create the network. It also provides some background on business questions, but mostly focuses on the technology nuts and bolts. |
Tyler Ditchfield |
UNIAGROSimple imaging tools to measure BCS – which apparently is an indication of animal health and welfare. Presentation seemed to be more academic than business oriented. Software for estimating productivity Online courses Body condition score BCS – know condition of animal Today and future – time consuming process CControl AR – won first prize More efficient than by hand AI used to learn BCS Alarm for low score Process for herd level Camera 1 competitor in the marketplace EID – collar to measure heat detection |
University of Missouri Extension |
University of Missouri System BROADBAND INITIATIVE |
Uri AttirBioSTL |
USDA Adds Flexibility for Cover Crop Management in Crop Year 2020WASHINGTON DC, June 28, 2019 – The 2018 Farm Bill mandated changes to the treatment of cover crops for U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs, which add more flexibility to when cover crops must be terminated while remaining eligible for crop insurance. USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and Risk Management Agency (RMA) developed new guidelines and policy provisions to enact these changes, which will be available beginning with the 2020 crop year. |
USDA RD Telcom ProgramsAnnouncement : For information about the broadband pilot program (ReConnect Program) authorized in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 please log into : https://reconnect.usda.gov USDA is investing in Rural Broadband to rebuild America’s infrastructure. Read more. Access to broadband has become essential for the social and economic benefits it provides to American residents, businesses, governments and communities. Broadband is crucial for increased health, educational and economic opportunities, as well as for job and business creation and growth. Broadband can help close the digital divide between rural and urban communities. USDA Rural Development&... |
Valerie BeluskoIllinois Extension |
VergeFirst Pass Software uses current field and machinery data to optimize the in-field operations that ensure the most efficient travel path for all machines in a field. These optimized operational plans are then delivered through pre-set, optimized guidance lines into the GPS systems of present day farming machinery. Launch Pad is an interactive web-based geospatial application developed to help growers optimize the movement of their machinery. Once a user signs up, they’ll have the ability to tweak critical field and equipment specific parameters to create a route plan, based on proprietary First Pass optimization algorithms, that minimizes ... |
Veris Technologies
Victoria SodaGEOAGRO |
Video on Garrett County Maryland Rural Broadband |
Vijay ChauhanGlobalSTL |
Vince LibertoreMicrosoft Airband Initiative |
Vomitoxin Field TestNeed for a field test for vomitoxin in wheat. Farmer harvests wheat and hauls to elevator. Elevator can test for vomitoxin. If above a threshold, load is rejected. Farmer loses money in time and transport costs. If had a quick, reliable field test could blend loads or otherwise know that load will be accepted at the elevator. |
Watch Communications and Microsoft announce partnership to bring broadband internet to Indiana, Ohio and IllinoisDeployment of technologies, including TV white spaces, is expected to cover more than four million people in the region, including 815,000 people in rural areas currently without access to broadband REDMOND, Wash. — July 9, 2019 — On Tuesday, Watch Communications and Microsoft Corp. announced an agreement aimed at closing the broadband gap, and the rural digital divide in particular, in the states of Indiana, Ohio and Illinois. The partnership is part of the Microsoft Airband Initiative, which is focused on extending broadband access to three million people in rural America by July 2022. The FCC reports that more ... |
Watch Communications chooses Ericsson to build rural FWA services in the MidwestWatch Communications has entered into a partnership with Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) as a part of its USD 53 million project with the Connect America Fund II to deliver increased internet connectivity to rural communities in Ohio, Illinois and Indiana. This partnership, which is the first between Ericsson and Watch, is set to provide rural customers with best-in-class broadband solutions leveraging Ericsson's products and services. Watch will use Ericsson's Radio System hardware and software to build their fixed wireless access (FWA) network in areas where Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) and licensed spectrum ... |
Wes Seifert |
What is the Rural Development Broadband ReConnect Program?The Broadband ReConnect Program furnishes loans and grants to provide funds for the costs of construction, improvement, or acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to provide broadband service in eligible rural areas. The application window for the first round of funding is closed, and applications are currently under review. Follow one of the links below to learn more about the program. |
WiagroWiagro has a sensor and alerts system for grain silo bags. Measures key metrics for safe storage and can track position to help alert for transportation or theft of grain. We do not use silo bags much in the US, but I learned that this may be an emerging trend for cheap storage. Tangible and ready product. Quality and position in post-harvest grain Temp, and humidity in cargo and movement CO2 – measures help to monitor condition of grain Can ‘chat’ with sensor in bag One sensor per 10 meters of bag to manage quality Sensor developed in Argentina 9 ... |
Wisper - Pilot Preview |
Wisper InternetA Microsoft Airband partner based just se of St. Louis, MO in Mascoutah, IL. Second largest winner of CAFII funds (Connect America Fund, from FCC) Wisper Internet Headquartered in Southern Illinois, Wisper ISP, Inc. provides high-speed internet in Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma. In addition, Arkansas and Indiana will soon be in their coverage area. They are the second-largest winner in the FCC’s rural broadband auction, also known as The Connect America Fund Phase II. As a result, Wisper will use $220.3 million to expand internet service. A rising competitor in the ... |
Wisper Internet at BroadbandnowBroadbandNow is an industry database of ISPs and their service areas. This page shows Wisper's current trade territory and some plans and pricing data. |
Zach HarmerSoilOptix Inc. |
ZeaKalZeaKal increases the photosynthetic capacity and efficiency of plants — allowing crops to harvest more sunlight, capture more carbon dioxide and translate this into higher seed and grain yields. Meet Han Chen, CEO |
ZoomAgriZoomAgri seems to have a good plan for expansion, at least they describe work in other countries. Currently just identifying barley varieties with an office based imaging machine (Epson) but what I like is the AI and the interest in building field scanners. Tangible and ready product. Quality of commodities Put sample into device…brush into grooves (Epson scanner) Train the AI to recognize various variety traits Currently used for Barley variety determination Used to use DNA process that took 5 days, now can determine variety in 5 minutes December 2018 worked with Cargill and ABInBev Convert labs to new process Launched ... |